It's Getting Ugly For Nick, See Why Judge Just Sealed Bobbi Kris Autopsy

It’s Getting Ugly For Nick, See Why Judge Just Sealed Bobbi Kris Autopsy

Things are looking increasingly worse for the case against Nick Gordon. This evening (10-8-15) the judge over the criminal investigation in Bobbi Kristina’s death case has just sealed her autopsy results at the last minute, to protect the lives of the cooperating witnesses who were in the house with Nick at the time of her bathtub drowning, and to also try to decrease flight risk of those witnesses. Many also say that the seal was implemented so that it does not give Nick’s attorney a clue as to how they are going to fight this case against him in court.

Here’s what Atlanta’s WSB-TV 2 has just reported:

County's district attorney does not want Bobbi Kristina Brown's autopsy report released because of a possible danger to witnesses.
Channel 2 investigative reporter Erica Byfield tracked down a document that explains what else the DA told the judge about Brown's high-profile death.
Brown’s court-appointed conservator filed a lawsuit against her former boyfriend Nick Gordon, alleging abuse and theft from Brown.
The suit also claims that Gordon gave Brown a toxic cocktail and then placed her in the bathtub, face-down, causing her irreparable brain damage.
“That whole case hinges on whether Nick Gordon had something to do with Bobbi Kristina's death,” said Atlanta attorney Jamila Hall, who is not associated with the case.
Gordon's attorneys recently filed a nearly 30-page document asking a judge to stay, or temporarily stop, the civil case against him.
Hall believes they did it, in part, to protect Gordon's Fifth Amendment right.
“Anything he says in the civil case could be used against him in the criminal investigation,” Hall told Byfield.
The filing mentions Brown's autopsy. A judge sealed it after the DA's request.
Hall says Gordon's legal team needs it to properly defend him in the civil case.
She believes it's sealed because of its impact on the district attorney's criminal investigation into how Brown died.
“The outcome of the criminal investigation could be quite helpful to Nick Gordon in the civil case and it could also hurt him. It all depends on what comes out,” Hall said.
In addition to mentions possible danger to witnesses, the order to seal Brown’s autopsy also talks about the integrity of the investigation and the risk defendants may flee.
Hall told Byfield that a judge should rule on Gordon's motion in the civil case very soon.'

6-12-bobbi-kris-head-downHere are the documents that were filed today by the presiding Judge…
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Looks like Nick Gordon and his attorney are gonna have a fight on their hands.

Like we always say, we do not know the truth surrounding Bobbi Kristina’s untimely death as of yet, but if anyone is involved in her death, we hope the Brown and Houston families get the justice they deserve.

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