Tank NOW Blames Tyrese 100% For Group's Breakup, Claims Tyrese Did THIS!

Tank NOW Blames Tyrese 100% For Group’s Breakup, Claims Tyrese Did THIS!

fb tank and tyreseWe all remember the Instagram beef between former TGT members, Ginuwine and Tyrese last year, right? It blew up like a spontaneous combustion after Tyrese made an IG announcement to his fans that TGT was no more and implied that Ginuwine was the cause of it, when he stated that he and Tank would probably be continuing to work together. Ginuwine immediately followed right behind Tyrese to blast him on IG for trying to blame him for the group’s breakup, stating that it was Tyrese’s fault instead for being a- and I quote- “diva.”
Screen Shot 2016-03-02 at 6.35.30 PMThroughout it all, Tank was on the sidelines quiet as a mouse and presumably singing “Kum-bah-ya” as his fellow group members battled it out out on the ‘Gram. Tank spoke out once after the split and basically didn’t say much about the situation, but now the tables have obviously turned. Why you ask? Because today Tank was in the LAX airport and when asked about the status of their group now, he put an end to that claim that Tyrese originally said -that he and Tyrese will probably be working together. Tank placed 100% of blame behind TGT’s breakup on Tyrese’s shoulders, revealing that Tyrese refuses to split the money equally three ways, so it’s a wrap…permanently.

According to TMZ, a ‘rep for Tyrese says the group’s money was never split equally because the economic fact is Tyrese has had more chart success on his own. The rep did not deny money was behind the breakup. On a personal level … the rep said Tyrese still considers Tank and Ginuwine his brothers, but “business is business.”‘

This is a tough one because on one hand, it’s easy for us to stand on the outside and say ‘Man, that’s WRONG for Tyrese to want more money than his group members!’ But on the other hand, when we look at it from Tyrese’s standpoint, business is business.
tgtTrue, if it weren’t for Tyrese, Ginuwine, and Tank joining forces a few years ago, all three of their music careers would have probably been farther on the back burner- Tyrese included, because although he was a big movie star with the Fast and Furious franchise, his solo music efforts still weren’t really making much noise. But the other thing that we can’t ignore is that Tyrese has now managed to build a social media following well 30 million, which is how he ultimately sold his recent hit single, “Shame.” So of course Tyrese is bringing a lot more power and popularity to the table than his group members, who don’t have nearly as many social media followers. And in this new age of digital influence we now live in, that also means that Ginuwine and Tank don’t have nearly as much weight and power when it comes to informing the general public about whatever they want to sell, because they don’t have the support of mainstream radio anymore and even if they did, very few people still get their info from mainstream media- they get it from social media now.

Therefore the next time TGT would have released music, or performed at a venue, their success and turn-out would have had a LOT to do with Tyrese’s social media followers showing up and supporting their projects, as a result of him Facebooking, tweeting, and Instagramming about it…which is probably the main reason why Tyrese doesn’t want to split the pay equally…regardless of what his rep is saying.

What do you think ILOSM family- Should Tyrese split the money equally three ways and put friendship before business? Or should he put business first?

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