Kelly Rowland Verbally Attacked & Embarrassed By Protestors, Many Now Outraged

Kelly Rowland Verbally Attacked & Embarrassed By Protestors, Many Now Outraged

Kelly Rowland got the surprise of her life on Wednesday (April 12, 2017) during her book signing for her new book, “Whoa Baby: A Guide For New Moms.” Everything was all good at first, at a Ridgewood, NJ bookstore.  Kelly smiled, shook hands, signed books, and did her friendly down to earth thing that she’s known for…but then a few protestors were like ‘Hell naw, not today’ and gave Kelly a greeting she’ll probably never forget.
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As they stood in line, posing as fans of Rowland, they eventually got their turn to get an autograph. That’s when they flip flopped on her and started verbally attacking her as an ‘ugly person’ for rockin’ fur. Now, Kelly wasn’t wearing any fur that particular day, but they’re referring to the fur she’s rocked on a few occasions in the past. For example, the one she wore here, in December 2016…
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Anywho, Kelly handled the protestors’ chanting and attacks on her character with ease for the most part, by stepping to the side and letting them voice their grievances with her love of fur. They chanted for a minute or two before Kelly got fed up and stormed past them toward either a bookstore employee, or someone from her own camp to vent about the protestors blockin’ her show.

Soon afterwards the protestors were escorted out of the building by too-slow-responder-employees who took WAY too long to make a move to shut that down. Kelly also bolted through a doorway toward the back of the store and that was that. Check out the chaotic scene below…

I’m all for free speech and everything, but two pertinent questions come to mind after seeing that video: Where in the hell was Kelly’s security? And why were protesters who clearly have a dislike for her, able to remain that dangerously close to her?

Thankfully they had no desire to do bodily harm, but rather just harm to her reputation instead.

Fans voiced their outrage on Kelly’s social media pages as well. Many stood up for Kelly and others bashed her as an ‘animal killer’:

@angele_anise: Totally missed a moment- these garbage ppl who care more about the lives of animals more than fathers, mothers, & children need to be shouted down and refocused. Maybe next time

@moii_mehir: Ppl are not saying they care more about animals than ppl. But animals can’t speak for themselves! I’m a black woman that loves animals. They live and breathe as we do and DO NOT have the right to kill to look cute‍♀️

As of today, Kelly has moved passed the incident and is back at promoting her book:

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