Woah! Another Cosby Juror Speaks Out & Slams Accuser

Woah! Another Cosby Juror Speaks Out & Slams Accuser

Cosby with his spokesperson, Andrew Wyatt

Ever since Bill Cosby’s mistrial in his sexual assault case was declared about a week ago, a couple of jurors have come forward to anonymously reveal details about the deliberation process.

As we previously reported, one of the twelve jurors spilled a boatload of details with ABC News when he/she was the first to make it known that the deliberation room was so tense, they damn near traded blows and one cat even punched the wall, reportedly breaking his finger. That juror also revealed the flip flopping that went down in the jury room regarding Cosby’s innocence in the case, with the jurors originally voting almost unanimously (11-1) that Cosby was innocent. Then some of them switched their votes along the way, ultimately resulting in a deadlocked jury after 52 hours of deliberation.

Cosby was facing the possibility of up to ten years in prison for sexually molesting Andrea Constand- a then women’s basketball coach at Temple University.

Juror: Andrea Constand’s Testimony Seemed “Well-Coached”

Now a second juror has just spoken out and gave an additional viewpoint of the deliberations. The anonymous juror is an older male. According to The Philadelphia Inquirer/Daily News (whom the juror was interviewed by), after hearing testimony and reading Cosby’s 2005 deposition, he now believes that Andrea Constand is full of it and that she and her Mother pre-planned this whole thing. He pointed to her clothing choice (at the time of the alleged encounter) and the gift that she’d brought to Cosby when she went to his home for dinner that day. The jury was also informed that was not the first time Constand had done that with Cosby.:

Andrea Constand

Via Daily News- “She was well-coached,” he [the juror] said of Constand’s two days on the witness stand. “Let’s face it: She went up to his house with a bare midriff and incense and bath salts. What the heck?”

Though the juror who spoke Thursday did not reveal his vote, he did make clear his skepticism about Constand, the 44-year-old accuser from Toronto who said she viewed Cosby only as a friend and mentor and never sought a romantic relationship. Specifically, the juror said, she should have gone to Cosby’s home only if she was “dressed properly and left the incense in the store,” referring to a gift that she brought him when the two formed a friendship before the alleged assault.

Juror Explains Difference Between Cosby’s & Costand’s Stories

“He [Cosby] was extremely honest. He admitted to things,” the juror said. [The juror] also saw Constand’s mother as the driving force behind her decision to report the alleged assault to police a year after it occurred. “It was her mother who forced all this,” the panel member said.

On The Other Women Who Claimed Sex Assault By Cosby

He also said the jury did not let the allegations of the more than 60 women who have come forward to accuse Cosby of sexual misconduct influence its decision. He said he believed many of those women fabricated their claims. “This is ridiculous, unbelievable,” he said. “I think more than half jumped on the bandwagon.”

On Cosby’s Appearance During Trial

L-R: Cosby’s attorney, Brian McMonagle; Cosby, Cosby’s spokesperson, Andrew Wyatt

“I think he was weathered,” [the juror] said. “I wondered if he was going to be able to make it through the whole trial the first couple of days, but he did.”

Does Juror Think There Should Be A Retrial?

Cosby, 79, “has paid dearly” already for the allegations against him, the juror said, because his career has been destroyed.

He said he did not think District Attorney Kevin R. Steele should pursue a retrial, as he has said he will do. “They should’ve left it closed. … There wasn’t enough evidence to move the case forward,” he said, echoing Cosby’s lawyer’s arguments about the 2005 decision by then-District Attorney Bruce L. Castor Jr. to close the case without charging Cosby.

Now, he said, there was nothing to consider beyond decade-old evidence. “No stained garment, no smoking gun, nothing,” the juror said. “It would be a waste of Montgomery [County] money with the money it cost,” he said.

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