Stephanie Mills Confessed Worst Regret & Insecurity About Height While Married To Shalamar Star

Posted On : July 23, 2019
Shalamar Portrait Session
Shalamar (L-R) Jeffrey Daniel, Jody Watley and Howard Hewett; 1981 (Photo by Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images)

A while back, when we published an article about Stephanie Mills being married to a Shalamar singer back in the day, we realized many people had no clue about them. However, most of their fans were still pleasantly surprised. Although Stephanie and Shalamar’s, Jeffrey Daniel, divorced years ago, we wanted to share excerpts from an Ebony Magazine interview Mills did soon after they’d split, because the honesty and pain she revealed about their love, still resonates today. Stephanie and Jeffrey split in 1982, but didn’t officially divorce until ’83, after just three years of marriage.

Mills’ Biggest Regret About Marriage To Daniel

Stephanie Mills and her then husband, Shalamar member, Jeffrey Daniel
Stephanie Mills and her then husband, Shalamar member, Jeffrey Daniel

Stephanie says that one of biggest regrets “is that I didn’t have a baby for my husband. God knows I tried, but it’s something that just never happened. He wanted a son, and I’d still like to have it for him.”

When asked if having a baby for Daniel would have ‘saved their marriage’ at that time, Mills replied:

“Probably, I think it might help,” stated Mills.

She then addressed how her and Daniel’s short marriage unfortunately fit into the celeb’ marriage stereotype:

“I suppose that suggests that ‘show business marriages’ don’t have very good chances of surviving,” Stephanie says. “Both partners are so much in the public eye all the time and when you add that to all the other problems that come up in a ‘normal’ marriage, the picture’s not very bright. Maybe Jeffrey and I will have to do like some other couples- divorce, give ourselves a little time and space, then marry again. Maybe in-between we’ll learn all the lessons a couple has to learn in order to make a marriage survive,” Mills stated at the time of their separation.

Peep Mills’ Biggest Insecurity That Jeffrey Daniel Helped Eliminate>>>


About I Love Old School Music

We salute the incredible people and beautiful memories of that "old school". We’re not saying that every artist and every facet of the soul era was perfect, but the artists’ contributions to soul music and the old school memories of that particular time are PRICELESS.