WTH?!! See The Man A Lotta European Vacationers Just Mistook For Morgan Freeman

Posted On : June 29, 2017

You know the Old School saying: ‘When in Rome do as the Romans do’? Well, we can squash that for this article, because for one man by the name of Norman, he wasn’t in Rome, he was in Europe on vacation. Therefore, when the Europeans stepped to him in droves thinking he was Morgan Freeman, he didn’t ‘do as the Romans do,’ he did as the Europeans expected him to do- he became Morgan Freeman- literally, LOL.

It all started when Norman, the brotha with the silver ‘fro (like Freeman’s), vacationed for a few days all by himself in Magaluf- a popular holiday resort in Europe. He’s actually a resident of Luton though (a large town in another part of Europe). According to his nephew, Louis Dorsett, Norman was minding his own business, when all of sudden several European vacationers mistook Norman as the one and only Freeman and it turned into a snowball effect for the duration of his stay.

Many of the ‘Morgan Freeman believers’ were semi-drunk as hell and others were of sound mind and body, which makes their assumption even worse. They then commenced to swarm Norman for photos so they could shine for the ‘Gram for their friends…

But the part that had us crackin’ up even more is that the whole time, Norman didn’t open his mouth once to tell those pleasant ill-informed Europeans that if they were looking for Mr. Freeman, he ain’t it:

“I wasn’t in Magaluf at the time when he was out there but I heard through my cousin (his daughter) that he took everything in good spirit and just had a laugh with the people that were mistaking him for Morgan Freeman,” Louis told LADbible.



At any rate, Norman’s nephew said he had a blast fooling the general public and living life like a star for a day. Now Norman’s back to life as usual- as an independent businessman with his own food service company in Luton:

Via LADbible: “He’s just normal and getting on with his life. He runs a great Caribbean food service that is very popular so he dedicates his time into that mostly,” Louis said

Guess those European vacationers feel all kinds of crazy after sobering up and seeing that their ‘Morgan Freeman’ selfies were trending on social media today. It’s all good though, we live and we learn.

About I Love Old School Music

We salute the incredible people and beautiful memories of that "old school". We’re not saying that every artist and every facet of the soul era was perfect, but the artists’ contributions to soul music and the old school memories of that particular time are PRICELESS.