Will Smith Finally Responds After "Aunt Viv's" Latest Major Allegation Against Him

Will Smith Finally Responds After “Aunt Viv’s” Latest Major Allegation Against Him

For years, Will Smith has been on Janet Hubert’s bad side and things haven’t gotten any better. You probably couldn’t count on one hand, the number of times Janet has gone off and bashed her former Fresh Prince of Bel-Air castmates. Now, she’s at it again. However, this time around Will is finally counterattacking Janet’s jabs, after being blamed for her son’s mental health issues.

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Serious Allegations:

In case y’all hadn’t heard the latest, Janet Hubert – who portrayed the first “Vivian Banks” on The Fresh Prince – recently fired off at Will Smith again. Back in June 2018, she took to Facebook with a blasting post about Will, but this time fans were left scratching their heads, wondering about the massive accusation. As we previously reported, Janet is blaming Will for her son’s suicide attempt. On Facebook, she posted a message that read:

“Dear Will…you destroyed my life with your lies…YOU win my son is in the hospital. #[expletive]attempt.#[expletive]youworld!”

Almost immediately after posting the message, Janet deleted it, but of course there are screenshots. To most fans, the message came out of left field and people were left wondering where in the world it came from. Exactly how Will is supposedly responsible for her son’s hospitalization? Well, that’s still a question that Janet Hubert has yet to answer. But at least Will is clearing the air…

Finally Addressing Janet:

Will Smith is finally speaking out about his years-long feud with Janet Hubert – or… better yet, HER feud with him. During a recent interview with 1Extra, the “Fresh Prince” legend didn’t exactly offer a response that people probably would have expected, considering how much she’s bashed him over the years, but it was still a response nonetheless. Will actually took the high road and focused on the positive things about Janet and her time on “The Fresh Prince”:

“I think as an artist, there’s so many things that she does. She sings, she dances, she’s like a really powerful artist. I loved what she brought to the ‘Fresh Prince.’”

Not one to dwell on negativity, Will switched gears to focus on a bigger issue. He went on to discuss why he and his wife, Jada Pinkett-Smith, opted to boycott the Oscars. By now, everyone knows Janet Hubert also had somethin’ to say about the #OscarsSoWhite boycott and she even bashed Jada. Will discussed the boycott, along with the bigger issue behind their monumental decision:

“To me, it’s so far not about me. It’s not about us going to a show or not,” he said. “For me, this is a much bigger social issue. I’m recognizing a pattern of the narrowing of the imagery. The narrowing of tolerance in America. I’ve been watching the news and experiencing the things that are going on in my country, my concern is that Hollywood is reflecting a regressive trend. Hollywood is supposed to lead. It’s supposed to be the most diverse and the most inclusive.”

“All of the voices of so many different types of people and so many different types of stories,” he continued. “I’m just concerned that I’m seeing Hollywood slipping and making a slide that is a social and political slide that’s happening throughout the country.”

Check out Will’s full interview with 1Extra:

It’s quite obvious Will is completely unbothered by Janet Hubert. Unfortunately for her, she’ll probably never get the rise out of the brotha that she’s expecting. With the Will Smith’s cool-as-a-cucumber persona, Ms. Hubert will probably have to go much further to get under his skin, because he’s not entertaining the negativity.

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