OMG! Teddy P. Revealed He Got Slapped by Harold Melvin Over WHAT?!!

Posted On : July 16, 2015

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the mattress of his bed to reveal what looked to be thousands and thousands of dollars he’d stashed underneath. Only later did I learn that this was our royalty money-thousands of dollars that Gamble and Huff had given Harold in a check with the understanding that he would cash it and split it equally among the group. That never happened.

Harold came to the doorway and handed me a small stack of bills. “Here,” he said. “You take this, for you. But don’t tell the rest of them about it.” I took the money and went back and split it with the guys. Later, back in my cheap motel room, I decided, it was time for me to leave the group and launch a solo career. This incident was the turning point.


7-16 second bw bluenotesWow, greed is a helluva drug folks! Albert Einstein once said:

“There are three great forces in the world: Stupidity, fear, and greed.”

Teddy would have fallen victim to the 1st ‘force,’ had he stayed in the group without getting better treatment; he did not let the 2nd ‘force’ overshadow his drive to want more for his career, and Harold Melvin allegedly fell victim to the 3rd ‘force.’ Moral of this story? Don’t let Einstein’s three great forces be the source of our demise in anything we do in life, unless we choose to end up with an overabundance of life regrets.

-ILoveOldSchoolMusic, Old School news with a new point of view


About I Love Old School Music

We salute the incredible people and beautiful memories of that "old school". We’re not saying that every artist and every facet of the soul era was perfect, but the artists’ contributions to soul music and the old school memories of that particular time are PRICELESS.