R. Kelly Accuser Reveals The “Little Girl” Red Flag of R. Kelly

Posted On : March 20, 2019

Posted by Asante McGee on Saturday, March 16, 2019

It is reported that McGee’s first red flag was that when he flew her out to Chicago in 2016 he had her sit in a van for eight hours.

That’s an entire business day! Ain’t nobody got time for that!

I Was Just So In Love With Him

She stated: “I should have just left him then, but I was just so in love with him. And once he came and brought me to studio, he charmed me to the point that I forgot about what he had just put me through.”

Remember, McGee previously described herself as a superfan, going so far as to attend all of his concerns in the southern Bible Belt.

Talk Like A Little Girl

Source: Twitter

According to NBC News, Mcgee’s second red flag was that he always wanted her to talk like a little girl. Mcgee stated “He would tell me what to say, I would repeat it, and he would keep telling me ‘No. Do it different, do it a little softer,’ until I got to the voice that he wanted. I thought it was odd, but then I thought that maybe it was just a role play for him.”

McGee suggested there were other tale-tell signs:

“I could not have my phone out in his presence, or in the presence of the other girls because he’d trained us to tattle on one another, to help him maintain control.”

“He’d ask if any of the girls or his workers had talked about him or his business, and when I would tell him no, he’d say Well you know if anybody say anything about Daddy, I want you to make sure that it’s okay to come back and tell Daddy, and Daddy will handle it. I never did.”

Maybe it was the abuse she suffered in her failed marriage that had her fall into the arms of Kelly.

McGee made a vow to herself she wouldn’t fall victim to the hands of an abuser again, and she allegedly fell victim to someone way worse than her ex-husband.

Reportedly, after a two-year liaison with Kelly, which she claimed involved gaslighting and grooming, McGee found the willpower to break free.


About I Love Old School Music

We salute the incredible people and beautiful memories of that "old school". We’re not saying that every artist and every facet of the soul era was perfect, but the artists’ contributions to soul music and the old school memories of that particular time are PRICELESS.