Why Queen Latifah Keeps Her Son Out Of The Spotlight & What Being A Mom Is Like For Her

Posted On : January 2, 2024
Queen Latifah

ILOSM family, in case y’all haven’t heard…Queen Latifah has taken on one of her favorite roles yet: being a mother to her son. In recent years, the Queen’s been loving her journey to motherhood, as well as discussing her desire to start a family, and why she chooses to keep her son away from the spotlight.

A Desire for Family

While Latifah is known for keeping her personal life on the low, she had previously openly expressed her desire to start a family. In a 2016 interview, she shared her readiness to become a mother and hinted at the possibility of a future with a little one:

“I think I’m ready… You’ll see when I’m lugging the baby on the hip that there is actually a youngin’ around here.” – Queen Latifah

For Latifah, the timing had to be right. She acknowledged that she’s a ‘late bloomer’ in some aspects of her life, and wanted to ensure that she had taken care of everything before taking on the role of motherhood.

A Lifelong Dream Fulfilled

Queen Latifah and son, Rebel (seated on Latifah’s partner Eboni Nichols’ lap), attend Harlem Globetrotters game; 2023

Queen Latifah’s dreams of becoming a mother finally came true when she and her life partner — choreographer, Eboni Nichols — welcomed their now 4-year-old son, Rebel, into the world in 2019. Eboni reportedly carried their child during pregnancy. The birth of 53-year-old Queen’s first child marked a significant milestone in her life, and she confessed she wanted to have a big family, bracing motherhood wholeheartedly:

“I’ve always envisioned myself with a big family… I kind of needed to grow and mature and get everything kind of taken care of with everything before I was able to really deal with it.” – Queen Latifah

A Natural at Being a Mom

Queen Latifah with her life partner, Eboni Nichols

Before becoming a mother to her little mini-me, Latifah had plenty of practice in the parenting department. She shared a heartwarming story of helping two women with babies at the airport, showcasing her natural nurturing instincts. It was a glimpse into the kind of mother she would become.

“I mean I think I’m a natural at this thing.” – Queen Latifah

Keeping Her Son’s Life Private

Queen Latifah values keeping her son away from the spotlight, allowing him to have a quiet and normal childhood. In a world where celebrity children are often thrust into the public eye, Latifah’s decision to shield her son from the spotlight is a deliberate and thoughtful choice. But she and Eboni decided to take their lil’ man out for a Harlem Globetrotters game in 2023, where they sat courtside, and from the looks of it he had a blast.

A Proud Mom’s Shout-Out

When Queen Latifah received the BET Lifetime Achievement Award in 2021, she took the opportunity to honor her son. In her acceptance speech, she gave him a sweet shout-out, marking the first public mention of him since becoming a mother. Latifah’s love for her son was evident in her words, and it was a momentous occasion for both her career and her role as a mother.

“Eboni, my love. Rebel, my love… Happy Pride.” – Queen Latifah

A Caregiver’s Love

Queen Latifah with her mother, Rita Owens

Prior to welcoming her first child, Latifah had already stepped into a caregiver role, taking care of her mom, Rita Owens, after she was diagnosed with a heart condition in 2005. She spoke about the similarities between being a caregiver and being a parent, highlighting the importance of family and the moments that truly matter:

“As a caregiver — it’s just like being a parent, like some things really don’t matter… And when we go through these things together as a family, I realize, these are the important things, these are the important moments.” – Queen Latifah

Sadly, shortly before Queen became a mother, she experienced the heartbreaking loss of her mother. Rita had been battling the autoimmune disease, scleroderma, and her passing left a void in Latifah’s life. She spoke fondly of her mother’s love and support, highlighting the impact her mother had on her life.

“Anyone that has ever met her knows what a bright light she was on this earth… She was always an encouragement… She believed in us as youngsters.” – Queen Latifah

Through It All…

Queen Latifah’s journey to motherhood has been filled with love, loss, and the joy of fulfilling a lifelong dream. Through it all, Latifah’s love for her son shines brightly, and her journey as a mother continues to unfold with grace and strength.


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We salute the incredible people and beautiful memories of that "old school". We’re not saying that every artist and every facet of the soul era was perfect, but the artists’ contributions to soul music and the old school memories of that particular time are PRICELESS.